After having a craptastic day, I woke up with a little more resolve to eat real. I hadn't had a smoothie in a long time. They make me feel so good-- I'm not sure why. Garrison was ready for breakfast and said "yogurt" I'm like "NO! Smoothie!"
I made his with cow's milk. Mine was 8oz of rice milk, 3 frozen strawberries, half a banana and a sprinkling of flaxseeds. Oh yum.
I came into work and (no surprise) in the kitchen there's a loaf of Panera's honey wheat bread to which I stuck up my nose and walked on by. Sadly now, I'm dreaming of a slice slathered in butter. CAN'T DO IT! I didn't do well yesterday and I'm going out to a restaurant tonight so I have to be real all day today.
Well temptation took care of itself! The bread disappeared within an hour so I didn't have to stand in the face of temptation.
For lunch I had my chipotle black bean salad on organic whole rye Wasa crackers, 4 of them. After lunch I had a clementine.
I think 3ish was when I had a teaspoon of peanut butter. Not because I was hungry but because I had a chocolate craving. That seemed to take care of it and I'm good now.
Copper Top Tavern tonight! I will be surrounded by some friends of mine-- All married ladies 30 or older whose weight issues are a bit more serious than mine. The easy part is already over-- I snuck a peek at the menu online and called the restaurant to ask whether or not I will receive a huge dose of sugar in my meal (I won't, thank God I still can't get over the 2 cups of brown sugar on the kielbasa last night). The hard part is yet to come. The shared appetizers. Everyone getting dessert. The "Juli, want some?"s. The "oh come on, it's okay to have a treat now and again."
I plan to order a glass of Rex Goliath (red wine is on the approved list!) and sip it slowly while telling stories or jokes. I hope it works out.
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