Not that it didn't work but I stopped tracking over the weekend and then I just sort of let myself fall off the horse.
Anyhow, I've decided for the next 4 days I will be doing the following things in preparation for my friend's wedding this coming Saturday:
1) Not having ANY sweeteners probably until Saturday morning when I have my honey-sweetened granola. I will help myself stick to this by eating some banana ice cream maybe one or two evenings.
2) 100% whole grains.
3) 2 fruits and veggies with every single meal.
4) Go to the gym every day except Tuesday (dance).
5) Lean proteins and limited animal proteins.
6) Consciously drinking more water and green tea.
7) Snacking on apples at work.
8) Drinking veggie broth at work.
9) No eating after dinner (except the couple of nights for banana ice cream)!
10) Reminding myself that I can do this for 4 straight days and that it is only temporary. Once wedding weekend has arrived, I have 2 six-hour car rides to get through, a rehearsal dinner, and the wedding itself to get through. I'll be allowed to have cake then.