Friday, March 2, 2012

Master Cleanse Day 3, Pat II

Think maybe I should do this on a forum instead?
I had my last lemon drink at about 7:15pm so I figured I wouldn't be due for another one for a half hour or so. I don't like getting into detail about what I'm passing and when but I figure what I'm experiencing is pretty normal.
About a month or so ago, Garrison and I made our first big purchase-- a set of Royal Prestige cookware. I. LOVE. THEM. It's a more conductive therefore energy saving system that also allows you to cook with less oil and water so that nutrients stay in your food. They're amazing.
Long story short, the guy who sold them to us has a weekly video he puts up of him cooking recipes requested by his customers. So with this downtime I have, after having submitted my federal tax return, I decided to browse a bit on his youtube channel. Bad idea. I miss food so much. I miss cooking. I miss getting warm over the stove. I miss stirring. I miss all the stimulating flavors and the sweet feeling of sharing a meal with someone you love.
But I *feel* just fine. I'm not dizzy or weak like I thought I'd be.
I just miss eating. Ugh.
When I got back from work I read on to the addendum sections of Tom Woloshyn's book and about removing parasites from the body. Most people have parasites in their bodies.
I'm sure I have one or more...and I'm like I NEED TO GET RID OF IT!!!
I'm not inviting anyone to tell me that I'm paranoid or this is bull. I just need to get it out of me and I'm so glad I'm on the cleanse...
but I miss food.

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